One of the best things about playing on GOLFZON indoor golf simulators is the way they bring people together. Whether you play with friends or family, nothing is more fun than getting a whole group together in your home or out at a golf simulator bar to play a round on the virtual golf simulator.
If you want to get together with a group of friends regularly to play on a golf simulator or even host your own virtual golf tournaments, starting a golf simulator league is the way to go. Organize weekly or monthly meetups, enjoy a little friendly competition and have fun playing on an indoor golf simulator.
There are so many reasons why you should start your own indoor golf league this winter. GOLFZON has those reasons, plus some pointers on how to start your own league, both on your home golf simulator or at your golf simulator bar.
Top Reasons to Start a Golf Simulator League
Golf is a social sport, but playing virtual golf alone can get lonely. Make playing on your golf simulator a group activity by putting together a league and regularly getting together to play.
1. Enjoy Some Socialization
Everyone is busy, and making time for hobbies or get-togethers with friends can be difficult. An indoor golf simulator league is a perfect way to get regular time scheduled on the calendar.
Choose recurring times that work for everyone to make it easy to commit to. This way, you’re giving all of your friends a chance to do something they love (screen golf) with the people they want to catch up with.
2. Make New Friends
If you’re new in town, joining or starting an indoor golf simulator league is a great way to meet people who enjoy golf like you. If you’re joining a golf club, ask around and see if anyone would be interested in joining a league with you at your home golf simulator or one at the country club.
Similarly, if there’s a golf simulator bar in town, see if they have a league or if you could start one. Regulars there would likely want to be a part of it and you’ll be able to get to know them in no time.
3. Play an Indoor Sport to Avoid the Cold of Winter
In most parts of the country, winter means the end of the golf season as well as shorter and colder days. Playing on a virtual golf simulator allows you to enjoy the game of golf in any weather and at any time of the day.
If you have a regular group of golfing buddies, then starting an indoor golf simulator league is a great way for you to continue getting together with friends when the golf course is closed.
Get your golf league together to beat the winter blues and stay out of the cold. Your friends will thank you for giving them a way to enjoy the sport they love in the off season.
4. Keep Your Game Fresh
Being part of a golf simulator league allows you to play golf often enough to keep your skills fresh and improve your game all year round. From virtual golf tournaments to round robins, and maybe even putting practice, your indoor golf league allows you to play in many different ways and tend to your performance. Keep your skills fresh so the next time you step on the golf course, you’re ready to blow everyone away.
How to Start a Home Golf Simulator League
If you or your friends own home golf simulators, then you’ve already checked the first task off the list of starting a home golf simulator league: finding a place to meet and play. Follow these other steps to put together a league and have a ton of fun playing on the best golf simulator with your friends.
1. Get a Group Together
If you are the one with a home golf simulator, then you need to identify the friends you know have an interest in playing virtual golf and would be interested in getting together regularly to play.
If you don’t already have a group of friends you regularly have over to your place to play virtual golf, then this is the time to chat up your networks, ask other friends if they know other golfers or get to know people at your club who might be interested.
2. Choose a Regular Time to Meet
What separates a golf simulator league from just a group of friends getting together to play virtual golf is the fact that a league meets regularly to play and compete. Depending on your schedules, you might decide to play weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. As you’re forming the league, make sure everyone is on the same page and is able to commit to the schedule.
3. Plan Fun Events
Now that you’re off and running, you get to plan fun events for your indoor golf league to enjoy. Of course, you can always play a regular 18 holes every time you meet up, but it’s more fun to also participate in tournaments, like the GOLFZON North American Tournament (GNAT).
Get creative and host events alongside professional golf tournaments. Try playing the same golf courses on your virtual golf simulator that the professionals are competing at to see how your group stacks up.
How to Start a Golf Simulator League at Your Golf Simulator Bar
If you own and operate a golf simulator bar or indoor golf business, there’s nothing better than having regular customers you can count on. Starting different golf simulator leagues means you can count on customers coming in regularly to meet up and play virtual golf, while also ordering food and drink.
1. Come Up With Different Types of Leagues
You can encourage patrons to form their own leagues, or you can encourage leagues to form with fun golf events. Host Ladies Night for an all-women’s league or Couples’ Night for a golf simulator league of all couples. Hosting regular weekly events should lead to groups coming in regularly to take advantage of deals and enjoy the playing time with friends.
2. Host Events and Virtual Golf Tournaments
Events centered around the biggest championships in golf, like the U.S. Open or The Masters, will certainly bring people together, especially simulator leagues. Additionally, hosting tournaments like GNAT events are a great way to get people in the door for prizes and a little bit of friendly competition.
People also love to gather at simulator bars for holidays, birthday parties or other occasions that give them an excuse to have some fun. Hosting parties and events is sure to attract simulator leagues.
3. Offer Food and Drink Deals for Indoor Golf Leagues
If your business hosts indoor golf leagues, you can sweeten the deal by offering discounted food and drink or happy hour deals on the days that these golf simulator leagues play. For example, if every Thursday night is league night or every Tuesday is Couples’ Night, then your golf simulator business can offer deals for league members coming in those nights.
Whether you’re inviting friends to play virtual golf in your home or hosting leagues at your golf simulator bar, participating in an indoor golf simulator league is a fun way to get together and improve your golf game. Golfzon makes the best golf simulators for leagues thanks to the realistic playing experiences and game play and virtual golf tournament capabilities.
This winter, get together with a golf simulator league to beat the winter blues, heat up some friendly competition and play the sport we all love.