GOLFZON Golf Simulator Wins Golf Inc. Magazine’s New Tech Award

Zoomed In - Golfzon TwoVision SwingPlate with Golfzon Logo, Wedge Club, Golf Ball

In its very first “Golf Tech Awards,” Golf Inc. Magazine recognized GOLFZON’s TwoVision golf simulator as one of the Most Innovative and Exciting New Tech Offerings. The TwoVision was one of ten recipients of this distinguished award and the only golf simulator chosen.

The winners of the award were selected by members of the magazine’s editorial staff. Other award winners included club operations software, electric walking carts, swing trainers and more.

The three main features that Golf Inc. Magazine highlighted for their selection of the TwoVision golf simulator included:

  • 24-way moving swing plate
  • High-speed sensors capturing club and ball data
  • Network play connecting players around the globe

This award is one of many that GOLFZON has been honored with in recent years. CEO of GOLFZON, Tommy Lim reflects on what this award means for GOLFZON’s recognition in the market, “Golf Inc. is among the most trusted and respected publications in the golf industry and this honor further validates our reputation as the world’s leading simulator manufacturer.”

He continued, “TwoVision is a landmark product offering, as our cutting-edge technology is helping golfers of all skill levels play, practice and enjoy the game of golf in a fun, stress-free and incredibly realistic environment.”

More players than ever are enjoying golf through indoor golf simulators. The National Golf Foundation in 2020 noted that more than 12 million golfers participated in off-course facilities, which has only increased in years since.

What can we attribute to this growth? The prevalence of bars, restaurants and indoor golf facilities that offer virtual golf simulators. For business owners looking to join in on this trend, the clear choice for the best golf simulator is Golfzon’s TwoVision.

TwoVision’s Unreal Technology

The TwoVision indoor golf simulator made a splash earlier this year when it debuted at the PGA Show. The advanced technology, 130% crisper graphics and wide array of mapped virtual courses advanced GOLFZON’s offering like never before.

The cutting-edge technology that the TwoVision sports that impressed the editors of Golf Inc. Magazine included the TwoVision’s 24-way moving swing plate and the high-speed sensors that capture club swings and ball data. Both of these features are unique to the TwoVision and serve to underscore the unreal playing experience it offers.

Moving Swing Plate
The swing plate on the TwoVision moves to 24 different positions, which is more than the swing plate of any other GOLFZON virtual golf simulators. These different positions seek to replicate all of the different slopes and lies one might encounter on a golf course. Whether hitting a bunker shot or standing on a slight hill, players will feel as if they are actually golfing on that golf course as they would in real life.

On the swing plate is also the multi-surface mat, which on the TwoVision features five distinct playing surfaces. The multi-surface mat is another part of how TwoVision replicates the on-course playing experience. One fairway, two bunkers and two rough surfaces complete the mat to offer realistic conditions golfers might encounter on a golf course.

High-Speed Cameras and Sensors
Another key feature that enhances the playing experience on the TwoVision is the use of two ultra high-speed cameras to capture playing data. This includes the golf club swing and ball data. One camera is placed on the ceiling while the other is tee-side, gathering precise data quickly and in real time. There’s no lag in data capture for clubhead movement and ball flight.

This data is one of the many features that sets playing on an indoor golf simulator apart from playing on a golf course. The ability to quickly see insights into your performance to make adjustments in your game without the need for extra accessories or tech (because they’re already built into the golf simulator) is a game changer for golfers looking for ways to improve on the spot.

Network Play on the TwoVision Golf Simulator

Golfzon Pebble Beach Golf Links - Paynter - Hole 7

Additionally, the TwoVision received top marks for its ability for network play, which allows for global golf tournaments and virtual golf leagues. One example of a virtual golf tournament supported by TwoVision is the GOLFZON North American Tournament (GNAT), which brings together players from the United States, Canada and Mexico to compete on TwoVision’s virtual golf courses.

Some of the most recent GNAT events have coincided with stops on the PGA Tour, allowing competitors to not only go up against players all around North America, but also compare their performance to the professionals playing those same courses in real life.

The Presidents Cup allowed GNAT competitors playing on the best indoor golf simulator to play Quail Hollow Club just like PGA Tour favorites. With network play, golfers with a competitive streak can participate in golf tournaments from home or at their local golf simulator bar and win valuable prizes.

Some of the most popular GOLFZON courses, of the 240+ worldwide courses available, are also chosen as GNAT opportunities. Pebble Beach remains one of the most desirable golf courses to play, both virtually and in real life, which is what made it such a clear choice for a GNAT network play experience.

Network play not only allows golfers to compete as many times as they like to improve their standings, but it also enables them to see their standings in real time online. Players just need to create an account on the computer and agree to the GOLFZON Website Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy in order to participate.

On the account, players can see upcoming tournaments, check their scores and compare how their performance has improved from tournament to tournament. With incredible prizes on the line, there are so many reasons to participate for the chance to win.

The Top Choice for Indoor Golf Simulator Businesses

For business owners looking for the best commercial golf simulators for their facilities, GOLFZON is the top choice time and time again. The technology that sets the TwoVision above the rest delivers the best possible playing experience for customers and brings them back for more, steadily growing profits.

As explained by Ho Sung Shin, the president of Hook & Fade, an indoor golf business located in Madison, WI, GOLFZON was the top choice, saying ““I think it’s the best platform on the market.”

“GOLFZON makes it very simple, very easy to execute the build-out of the [simulators],” pointed out Shin. “Having strong partners like GOLFZON really helps to lower the risk of starting a business like this.”

For businesses looking to give their customers the best possible playing experience, the TwoVision by GOLFZON is the clear choice.

The Best Home Golf Simulator

Directly Behind Golfer Playing on Moving Swing Plate on Golfzon Golf Simulator TwoVision

Golfers who want to put a luxury golf simulator in their home can take advantage of all TwoVision’s extraordinary features, like network play and the 24-way moving swing plate, in the comfort of their home. Starting a golf league has never been easier when you and your friends can participate in golf tournaments from home.

With GOLFZON’s help, easily build out and install the best golf simulator in your home designed to fit your space. Whether you find that space in your basement, garage, spare room or somewhere else, using the right specifications, you can create the ultimate space for the best indoor golf simulator.

If you already have a GOLFZON simulator but want to take advantage of the new technology afforded by the TwoVision, you can partake in the TwoVision upgrade program. For less than it would cost to purchase an all-new golf simulator, get the cutting-edge features that only the TwoVision has to upgrade your playing experience and enjoy the unreal.

Better Golf Instruction With GOLFZON

When giving a golf lesson, it’s usually critical to have a launch monitor, rangefinder and other pieces of equipment out on the driving range or golf course with you to give insights into the performance of your client. But when you’re teaching at a golf academy on a virtual golf simulator like the TwoVision, everything you could possibly want to derive data and insights from your client’s performance is built into the simulator.

Another way the golf simulator makes giving golf lessons easier is a feature like the auto-tee mechanism, which allows the lesson to continue seamlessly. As described by Michael Lewis, Director of Instruction at Walt Reilly’s, “You don’t have to be chasing golf tees down, chasing for golf balls. There’s a new golf ball on the tee ready to go and you can get twice as many swings done in that period of time.”

The GOLFZON Leadbetter Academy, in particular, finds great success in teaching on the TwoVision, utilizing different playing modes that are ideal for instruction. The GOLFZON Driving Range (GDR) software helps improve consistency with golf swings and is particularly useful for club fittings. The instant feedback is a gamechanger.

Upgrade Your Golf Club With the TwoVision

Many people seek out golf clubs and resorts for their unparalleled golfing experiences, but there are so many reasons why these places should also consider having virtual golf simulators for their guests. Whether it’s because tee times are booked up, the weather is preventing on-course play or you just want to offer guests another golf option, the TwoVision is the best golf simulator for indoor play.

With another golf opportunity comes additional revenue, more options for giving golf lessons and fun new experiences for guests who may not have had the chance to use a luxury indoor golf simulator before.

GOLFZON is honored for the recognition of the TwoVision from Golf Inc. Magazine. In sharing this recognition with the other winners, GOLFZON is proud to be part of the ongoing advancement of technology in the golf industry.