Know Your Numbers: Understanding Launch Monitor Data Points

Golfzon Wave Golf Launch Monitor on Range with Golf Balls and Golf Club

Golf has always been a game of precision and skill. From tee to green, every shot counts.

One of the most effective tools for improving your golf game is a launch monitor. These devices measure various aspects of your swing and ball flight, providing you with valuable data that can help you identify areas of improvement and effectively track your progress over time.

GOLFZON’s Wave is an affordable golf launch monitor that provides golfers like yourself with a comprehensive set of data points – 34 data points to be exact, including 8 unique data points for putting.

These data points are essential for understanding where your golf game currently stands and tells you how to achieve lower scores.

The Importance of Launch Monitor Data

Knowing your launch monitor numbers is crucial for improving your golf game – no matter if you’re new to the game or have been playing for years. Launch monitors allow you to identify areas of weakness in your golf swing and stance, making it easier to adjust your form accordingly.

Some key benefits of launch monitor use include:

  • Identifying areas of weakness: Launch monitors for golf can help you identify areas of weakness in your swing, stance and ball flight.
  • Tracking progress: By regularly monitoring personal launch monitor data, you can track your progress over time and see how much you improve.
  • Customizing equipment: This data can help you choose the right golf clubs and balls for your game based on your unique golf swing.
  • Improving course management: Understanding golf data can help you make smarter decisions on the course, such as choosing the right club or adjusting your aim based on your current (and aspirational) ball flight.

What are the data points that can make the biggest difference when using a portable launch monitor for golf? GOLFZON’s Wave provides 34 advanced data point projections – so let’s dive into each of these points to learn more.

34 Data Points Make the Wave Stand Out

The Wave analyzes 34 data points – 26 that relate to golf ball metrics and 8 that are unique to putting, a major capability that sets us apart from the competition.

Golf Ball Data Points to Improve Your Long Game

1. Total Distance
Definition: Total distance is the length in yards that the ball travels from the point of impact until it comes to rest.

Why it’s important: This is one of the most important indoor launch monitor data points for golfers as it directly measures how far the ball travels. This helps you make informed decisions about which clubs to use and how to approach certain holes and golf course situations.

2. Carry Distance
Definition: Carry is the distance the ball travels through the air from the point of impact until it first makes contact with the ground. The carry distance plus the roll-out is what constitutes total distance.

Why it’s important: Carry distance is an essential metric for golfers, directly impacting shot accuracy and club selection. You need to know which golf club will carry that bunker or lake.

Here are some general carry distance ranges for players on the PGA and LPGA Tours according to Golf Magic.

Carry Distance Tour Averages

PGA Tour

Driver289-323 yds246-258 yds
3-wood243-304 yds195-217 yds
5-wood230-288 yds185-192 yds
3-iron212-265 yds170-192 yds
4-iron203-254 yds170-181 yds
5-iron194-243 yds161-173 yds
6-iron183-229 yds152-163 yds
7-iron172-215 yds141-154 yds
8-iron160-200 yds130-143 yds
9-iron148-185 yds119-132 yds
PW136-170 yds107-121 yds

3. Roll
Definition: Roll refers to the distance the ball rolls after it hits the ground. It is the horizontal distance the ball travels upon initial impact with the terrain.

Why it’s important: Roll is an important metric because it can greatly affect the overall distance the ball travels, allowing you to choose the right club to meet your distance needs. Roll differs by location and conditions; for example, you’ll see less roll on a rainy day when the grass is wet, but you’ll likely see more roll in a desert course out west where it’s extremely dry.

4. Ball Speed
Definition: Ball speed is the speed at which the ball leaves the clubface at impact.

Why it’s important: Ball speed is a major factor in determining the overall distance of a golf shot. When you optimize ball speed, you can improve your total and carry distance.

5. Club Speed
Definition: Club speed is the speed at which the clubhead is traveling just before it makes contact with the ball.

Why it’s important: Club speed is crucial in generating the necessary ball speed to achieve your desired distance. You can use this information to optimize areas of improvement in your golf swing.

6. Launch Angle
Definition: Launch angle is the angle at which the ball leaves the clubface in relation to the ground.

Why it’s important: Launch angle determines the height and distance of a shot. Understanding this can help you optimize and adjust your stance and swing to improve consistency and accuracy.

7. Launch Direction
Definition: Launch direction is the direction your ball leaves the clubface in relation to the target.

Why it’s important: Launch direction is critical for shot accuracy and can help you make the right adjustments to improve your alignment and then dial in shot shaping control.

8. Smash Factor
Definition: Smash factor is the ratio of ball to clubhead speed. This identifies how efficiently you take your energy and transfer it from the clubhead to the golf ball.

Why it’s important: Smash factor is a popular buzzword and quantifies how much energy is transferred to the ball at impact. The higher the smash factor, the more energy that goes to the golf ball, which ultimately leads to improved speeds and distances.

9. Spin Rate
Definition: Spin rate is the rate at which the ball rotates around its axis after leaving the clubface.

Why it’s important: Spin rate is a huge indicator of accurate and effective ball flight and distance, and understanding these numbers can help you improve accuracy. For example, if you have a high swing speed and a high spin rate, you’d have a more piercing, straight ball flight and more distance with a low-spin driver.

10. Spin Axis
Definition: Spin axis is the angle at which the ball rotates around its vertical axis after leaving the clubface.

Why it’s important: Spin axis is an essential factor in determining the direction of the ball flight after impact.

11. Backspin
Definition: Backspin is essentially the spin of the ball – it’s what causes the ball to move forward and gain height.

Why it’s important: Backspin impacts ball flight and distance, allowing golfers like yourself the option to optimize your backspin and improve shot accuracy while gaining more distance. This is also a factor for controlling iron and wedge shots when you hit the green and the ball rolls back toward you before coming to a stop.

12. Sidespin
Definition: Sidespin is the spin of the ball that causes it to move left or right.

Why it’s important: Sidespin is a crucial factor when determining shot accuracy, allowing you to adjust your stance and ball position accordingly, along with any other swing changes that may be needed to get the clubface square at impact.

13. Height (Apex)
Definition: The highest point of the golf ball’s trajectory before impact.

Why it’s important: Height can affect the carry distance and total distance of a shot. For example, a shot hit with low height may not carry over an obstacle, while a shot hit with too high of a height may not roll out as far once it lands. Optimizing your apex is an important task that keeps you more consistent.

14. Club Path
Definition: This is the angle at which the clubface is oriented with respect to the target at impact.

Why it’s important: Club path can affect the direction of the shot, giving you immediate insights into your swing plane and the direction in which you’re approaching the golf ball on your downswing.

15. Face Angle
Definition: The angle between the clubface and the vertical plane at impact.

Why it’s important: Face angle can affect the direction and spin of the shot. For example, a closed face angle will cause the ball to spin left (for a right-handed golfer) and vice versa.

16. Face to Path
Definition: The difference between the face angle and the club’s swing path at impact.

Why it’s important: Face to path can affect the direction and shape of the shot, making this a crucial data point for anyone looking to improve.

17. Attack Angle
Definition: The angle at which the clubhead strikes the ball in relation to the ground.

Why it’s important: Attack angle can affect the launch angle and spin rate of your shot. For a driver, you’re looking for a positive (or minimally negative) attack angle, which means you’re hitting up on the ball golf to increase your launch angle and decrease your spin rate; this adds distance. For irons and wedges, you want a negative attack angle, which increases your backspin and control around the greens.

18. Dynamic Loft
Definition: The loft of the clubface in relation to the ground at impact.

Why it’s important: Dynamic loft can affect your launch angle and spin rate. A higher dynamic loft results in a higher launch angle and less spin while a lower dynamic loft produces a lower launch angle and more spin.

19. Spin Loft
Definition: The difference between the dynamic loft and the angle of attack.

Why it’s important: Spin loft can affect the spin rate, ball speed, height and smash factor of the shot. This particular data point can only be found with advanced technology and plays a major role in your swing’s performance.

20. Deviation Distance
Definition: The distance the ball is offline from the target line.

Why it’s important: Deviation distance measures the accuracy of your shot. Like a dispersion rate, the lower the deviation distance from your target, the more accurate – and consistent – your shot.

21. Landing Angle
Definition: The angle at which the ball lands on the ground.

Why it’s important: Landing angle can affect the distance and roll of your shot once it makes its initial impact with the terrain. A steeper landing angle means less roll, which may be desirable for a short approach shot but not necessarily a drive.

22. Flight Time
Definition: The time the ball is in the air.

Why it’s important: Flight time can affect the distance and trajectory of your shot, helping you set yourself up for success. Flight time works in accordance with height and spin rate, allowing you to maximize your ball flight.

23. Shot Type
Definition: Shot type is the type of shot you hit depending on the situation you find yourself in (e.g. driver, approach, flop, pitch, chip, etc.).

Why it’s important: Knowing the type of shot to hit in certain situations, especially around the green, can help you understand the different ball flight characteristics and make more informed decisions. Having all shot types in your bag can make you a more dynamic player and lower your scores.

24. Curve Distance
Definition: The amount of curve throughout the ball’s flight path.

Why it’s important: Curve distance can affect the accuracy and distance of your shot as a shot with too much curve may not end up where you intend it to. For example, a draw is a controllable shot type that can give you consistency and more distance whereas a pull is unpredictable and takes you completely off your target line.

25. Swing Plane
Definition: Swing plane refers to the angle at which the club approaches the ball during the downswing.

Why it’s important: The swing plane has one of the most significant impacts on your ball flight and direction. A flat and a steep swing plane need to be considered, as those can have consequences on your ball flight. It’s also important to see if you have an in-to-out swing plane or an over-the-top swing plane, as this can cause great inconsistencies in your accuracy.

26. Swing Direction
Definition: Swing direction refers to the direction in which the club head is traveling at impact relative to the target line.

Why it’s important: The swing direction affects the curvature of the ball flight. A personal golf launch monitor can help you identify your swing direction and make adjustments to improve golf performance.

Putting Data Points to Sink More Putts

The GOLFZON Wave launch monitor also comes with a unique putting mat that provides another set of data to analyze.

1. Total Distance
Definition: The total distance that the ball travels from the putter face to the hole.

Why it’s important: Knowing the total distance helps you gauge the strength and accuracy of your putts as well as the consistency of your putting stroke. Having a consistent feel for certain-length putts in a controlled environment means you can not only have more control on the green, but you can also adjust to different green speeds more quickly.

2. Launch Direction
Definition: The direction the ball is initially launched from the putter face.

Why it’s important: Understanding the launch direction helps you make necessary adjustments to your putting stance and alignment to improve accuracy and consistency. The best mobile launch monitors – that have putt-tracking capabilities like Golfzon – can help you adjust form accordingly and start you on your target line more often.

3. Club Speed
Definition: Similar to the long game definition, club speed while putting is the speed at which the putter head is traveling when it strikes the ball.

Why it’s important: Club speed is a crucial factor in determining the distance and accuracy of a putt, giving you the opportunity to adjust your speed and stroke to make the best contact possible.

4. Ball Speed
Definition: Ball speed is the speed at which the ball is traveling after impact with the putter face.

Why it’s important: Ball speed is essential in determining the distance and accuracy of a putt. The more consistent your ball speeds – at the right standards – the more opportunity you have to sink the putt because the hole gets larger with well-paced putts and smaller with putts that are too fast.

5. Impact Ratio
Definition: The ratio of ball speed to club speed.

Why it’s important: Impact ratio provides insights into the efficiency and consistency of your putting stroke. The higher the impact ratio, the more effective your putt.

6. Backswing Speed
Definition: The speed of the putter head during the backstroke.

Why it’s important: Backswing speed can affect the tempo and timing of your putting stroke, giving you the opportunity to adjust accordingly to create a more consistent stroke that doesn’t over-accelerate or decelerate through impact.

7. Tempo
Definition: The ratio of backstroke time to through-stroke time.

Why it’s important: Tempo plays a crucial role in determining consistency and accuracy when it comes to your putting stroke. The standard ratio is 2:1; for example, take two seconds on your backstroke and 1 second on your through-stroke. The timing will alter depending on the distance of the putt, but the ratio should remain consistent.

8. Total Putting Time
Definition: Total putting time is the time it takes for a golfer to complete their putting stroke, from start to follow-through.

Why it’s important: Total putting time provides insights into your consistency and pace on the putting green. This ties in well with your putting tempo as you can start optimizing your putting stroke for different distances.

Don’t Skip Out on Perfecting Your Putting

Putting is often regarded as one of the most crucial aspects of golf – it can truly make or break your next round on the golf course. A consistently good putting game can save strokes and ultimately lower your score. After all, a stroke is still a stroke on the scorecard if it’s a 250-yard drive or a 3-foot putt; wouldn’t it be a perk to be able to improve both aspects of your game with one launch monitor?

Using one of the best home golf launch monitors with a putting mat like the Wave can help you improve your putting game by providing detailed data and feedback on your stroke.

Additionally, using a putting mat with a launch monitor allows you to practice your putting indoors, which is especially useful during cold, wet weather or when you just don’t have the time to head out to the course. You can also benefit from increased consistency and control by putting in the time more often and in a controlled environment.

Another benefit of using the Wave for golf simulation is the putting pat – with the ability to simulate real-life putting scenarios. You can use the putting mat the to practice and play while using a radar-based launch monitor system. This new technology for the market allows you to take the concede circle all the way down to zero, allowing you to putt out on every hole, no matter the break.

Take Your Game to the Next Level With Wave

The Wave is designed to provide you with a comprehensive data analysis the next time you take your clubs out for a spin. Unlike other launch monitors in the market, GOLFZON Wave can analyze 34 data points, providing you with a more detailed understanding of your performance. This is achieved through the use of advanced sensors and algorithms that are capable of measuring various aspects of your golf swing and ball flight.

This makes the Wave a perfect addition to your ultimate man cave setup or indoor game room!

Golfzon Goes Above and Beyond With One of the Best Indoor Golf Launch Monitors on the Market

Understanding launch monitor data is crucial if you want to improve your golf game.

With the use of some of the best launch monitors for golf like GOLFZON’s Wave, you have access to a wealth of information that can help you fine-tune your swings, improve your accuracy and promote consistency, ultimately lowering your scores.

What sets the Wave apart is its ability to analyze 34 data points, which is more than most other launch monitors on the market. This in-depth analysis gives golfers a more complete picture of their performance and helps them identify areas where they need to focus their training when they can’t turn to an all-encompassing virtual golf simulator; the Wave still provides that simulator experience in launch monitor form.

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, the Wave is one of the best golf launch monitors to add to your golf training arsenal.